Template employee handbook uk

Employee Handbook Template

There are a million and one crucial things for a new hire to learn about your company once they join. From which software their team uses to company rules relating to remote work, there are a lot of details to consider!

Our free employee handbook, also known as an HR handbook template, is here to ensure you don’t miss a thing. It provides a detailed framework for creating a tailored onboarding guide for your company. Simply answer the prompts and fill in the blanks to create a comprehensive company manual for new starters.

Fill in your details, and we’ll send the employee handbook template directly to your inbox.

What is an employee handbook?

An employee handbook is a comprehensive document that outlines an organisation's policies, procedures, and expectations for its employees, serving as a guide to workplace conduct and practices.

What should an employee handbook contain UK?

An employee handbook typically includes information about company policies, code of conduct, benefits, workplace expectations, and procedures. In the UK, it should comply with legal regulations, covering topics like employment contracts, discrimination policies, and health and safety guidelines.

Why is having an employee handbook important?

Having an employee handbook is crucial for providing clear communication of expectations, fostering a positive work environment, and mitigating legal risks by establishing standardised policies. You can download a free employee handbook sample using the form above to get you started.

What should be avoided in an employee handbook?

In an employee handbook, it's important to avoid overly restrictive language, outdated information, and policies that may contradict local employment laws.

How can the employee handbook help with onboarding?

An employee handbook aids onboarding by providing new hires with a centralised resource for understanding company culture, policies, and expectations, streamlining the orientation process.

Why should a large and small business have one?

Both large and small businesses benefit from employee handbooks as they promote consistency, reduce legal risks, and enhance overall organisational efficiency - all of which are crucial no matter the company size!

How to write an employee handbook

Tips for creating an employee handbook include ensuring clarity, simplicity, and legal compliance. Writing one involves collaboration between HR, legal, and management to address diverse aspects of employment. Alternatively, you can download our free employee handbook above to get you started!

Are companies required to have an employee handbook?

While not legally required in all jurisdictions, having an employee handbook is strongly recommended for companies to establish clear expectations and protect against legal disputes.

How to create an employee handbook template

To craft an HR handbook template, start with a clear outline covering policies, codes of conduct, benefits, and procedures. Customise it to reflect your company's values and comply with local laws. Provide a section for updates to ensure the document remains current. Include a welcome message and encourage feedback. Use clear language and concise formatting for easy comprehension. Seek input from key stakeholders like HR, legal, and management. Regularly review and update the template to adapt to changing organisational needs and evolving employment laws. Download our free employee handbook sample above for inspiration.