Managing a Quality Service – How to Showcase your Service Management Abilities During a Job Application

Managing a Quality Service is part of the Civil Service ‘Success Profiles’ framework. It is one of 9 core behaviours that can be tested. Most commonly it will be tested within customer or stakeholder facing roles.

As it is a core behaviour it can be assessed in a number of ways and, just as importantly, it can be assessed at any stage of the recruitment process. This includes (but is not limited to):

What I am getting at is that if the job advert says that you will be assessed on your ability to manage a service you need to make sure you convey your abilities whenever the opportunity arises.

That is why in this article I am going to explain exactly what Managing a Quality Service means. I am going to look at what it is your assessor/interviewer is expecting of you in the application and interview stages PLUS what might occur in an assessment centre should you be invited to one. Then finally I will attempt to answer some of the common questions that arise when discussing this particular behaviour. (if you have any questions do not hesitate to leave a comment)