Embed video in press release

It’s time to stop writing your press releases. Okay, wait - don’t get me wrong. When it comes to press releases, many are fixated with only the writing in mind… How do I write a catchy headline? How do I write a magnetic announcement? But in the online world, your story needs to be told in a format that is relevant to a wide variety of people. Honestly, nowadays, a text-only press release has a slim to non-existent chance of capturing your audience’s attention. Why? Because people have short attention spans. Scanning is the new reading and nowadays it takes more than words to truly capture and engage people with your announcements. The main point is that people want a visual experience when they’re online. If they’ve taken the time to visit your press release, having a great image on top of your block of texts will help keep them attentive. It’s not just images. In fact, integrating an array of different media into your press releases can breathe life into it. People are far more likely to engage with a press release that has rich and diverse content. Plus, it does remarkable things for your SEO and helps your site rank higher in SERPs. It’s not just images - you can include 5 types of content to create a multimedia experience.

1. Images

Images are a MUST. Imagine clicking on a press release only to discover that it’s just block and block of text. Not to mention, that it’s a dry announcement. Hard Rock Cafe Introduces World’s First Gold Leaf Steak Burger. Get ready for it… Bam! Nothing says WOW like an image of a Golden Burger sitting on a golden guitar. I bet, your eyes must have spotted it first, even before you started reading the point.

Press Release Visuals

Source: PRNewswire

But hey, that’s the power of visual communications. It’s effective and memorable. According to studies, people tend to remember about 20 percent of what they read as compared to 80% of what they see. Besides, we are becoming a visually mediated society. So the beauty of creating images is that you can create them for social media - share them on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. On top of that, visual images can also be used to split the long-press releases into distinct sections which makes it so much easier to skim.

2. Videos

Videos are another fantastic addition you can include in your press release. More than one frame of an image, the video offers great ways to pitch your story - whether it is to describe your brand story visually or create a new art of storytelling. Besides, you can get creative with short videos to reinforce your business message. In any case, the use of social media can also amplify the reach of your press release being one of the primary sources of dissemination today. An excellent video can also encourage visitors to stay on your press release for longer, which is a good signal boost for Google. But don’t go on to create a ten-minute or hour-long video to make your readers stay. Keep your video under two minutes and make sure it is on-point, Because after all your readers are not here to watch a movie, they might be steered away if they see an hour-long production. One of my favorite videos is from Go-Jek when it is announcing its intention to build a super app. Not only is it information-packed, but it is also super memorable!

4. Infographics

Effect of Multimedia on Press Release Views

Another visual you can add in your press release is a stunning infographic. Imagine this, when reporters are sifting through the information, they are looking for content that will be the most engaging to their readers. Just like the goal of creating consumer focus content, an infographic which is much easier to digest rather than reading through an entire study will be their first pick! Because at the end of the day, reporters are consumers too and are looking for easily readable, engaging content. The quicker a press release grabs their attention the better it is for you and your brand. Attaching an infographic (a super long image) can help the media connect and gain a better understanding of your press release without having to read through the entire piece. In addition to helping the media understand your press-worthy topic, you are handing a reporter a press release with a content that is all-done! Your infographic is something that they can instantly attach to their article and has a better chance of catching their readers' attention. And it works just as well for blog posts. Check out this infographic by Cision that tells the results of how multimedia influence the engagement of the press releases.

4. GIFs

Maybe it’s not the ideal format for all corporate communications or even for some brands with a more formal editorial line. Like emojis, these trendy images moving in a loop can certainly boost your brand and win your favor with audiences when used in clever and effective ways. Well, GIFs aren’t only for powerhouse social media users anymore. Using these looping visuals in your press releases let you say a thousand words and more. If you used them wisely, they can even connect with your audience, increase views and make your brand more relatable to consumers. Needless to say, GIFs pack a punch and they can boost your otherwise mundane marketing announcement, and your message will probably stick way longer in the reader’s mind. But don’t just use a cute cat image in a loop, create cinematographs that are relevant to your brand which adds flavor to your press releases. In fact, it’s a great option for special celebratory events that are less formal and have a more fun feel. For example, Tesla's press release featured a new GIF showing its Model 3 Styling Changes from introduction until now. There you have it. These are just some examples of how to get the most out of multimedia elements for your next press releases. In any case, try it out now and share your experience down in the comments below.

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