CACI No. 600. Standard of Care

Judicial Council of California Civil Jury Instructions (2024 edition)


600 . Standard of Care

[A/An] [ insert type of pr ofessional ] is negligent if [he/she/ nonbinary

pr onoun ] fails to use the skill and care that a r easonably careful [ insert

type of pr ofessional ] would have used in similar cir cumstances. This level

of skill, knowledge, and care is sometimes r eferred to as “the standard of

[Y ou must determine the level of skill and care that a r easonably careful

[ insert type of pr ofessional ] would use in similar cir cumstances based only

on the testimony of the expert witnesses[, including [ name of defendant ],]

who have testified in this case.]

New September 2003; Revised October 2004, December 2007, May 2020

Directions for Use

Use this instruction for all professional negligence cases other than professional

medical negligence, for which CACI No. 501, Standar d of Car e for Health Car e

Pr ofessionals , should be used. See CACI No. 400, Negligence - Essential Factual

Elements , for an instruction on the plaintif f’ s burden of proof . The word “legal” or

“professional” should be added before the word “negligence” in the first paragraph

of CACI No. 400. (See Sour ces and Authority following CACI No. 500, Medical

Negligence - Essential Factual Elements .)

Read the second paragraph if the standard of care must be established by expert

See CACI Nos. 219-221 on evaluating the credibility of expert witnesses.

If the defendant is a specialist in a field, this instruction should be modified to

reflect that the defendant is held to the standard of care of a specialist. ( W right v .

W illiams (1975) 47 Cal.App.3d 802, 810 [121 Cal.Rptr . 194].) The standard of care

for claims related to a specialist’ s expertise is determined by expert testimony . ( Id .

at pp. 810-81 1.)

Whether an attorney-client relationship exists is a question of law . ( Responsible

Citizens v . Superior Court (1993) 16 Cal.App.4th 1717, 1733 [20 Cal.Rptr .2d 756].)

If the evidence bearing upon this decision is in conflict, preliminary factual

determinations are necessary . ( Ibid .) Special instructions may need to be crafted for

that purpose.

Sources and Authority

• “The elements of a cause of action in tort for professional negligence are (1) the

duty of the professional to use such skill, prudence, and diligence as other

members of his profession commonly possess and exercise; (2) a breach of that

duty; (3) a proximate causal connection between the negligent conduct and the

resulting injury; and (4) actual loss or damage resulting from the professional’ s


negligence.” ( Budd v . Nixen (1971) 6 Cal.3d 195, 200 [98 Cal.Rptr . 849, 491

• “Plaintif fs’ argument that CACI No. 600 altered their burden of proof is

misguided in that it assumes that a ‘professional’ standard of care is inherently

dif ferent than the standard in ordinary negligence cases. It is not. ‘W ith respect

to professionals, their specialized education and training do not serve to impose

an increased duty of care but rather are considered additional “circumstances’

relevant to an overall assessment of what constitutes “ordinary prudence” in a

particular situation.’ ‘Since the standard of care remains constant in terms of

“ordinary prudence,” it is clear that denominating a cause of action as one for

“professional negligence” does not transmute its underlying character . For

substantive purposes, it merely serves to establish the basis by which “ordinary

prudence” will be calculated and the defendant’ s conduct evaluated.’ ” ( LAOSD

Asbestos Cases (2016) 5 Cal.App.5th 1022, 1050 [21 1 Cal.Rptr .3d 261], internal

citation omitted.)

• “ ‘In addressing breach of duty , “the crucial inquiry is whether [the attorney’ s]

advice was so legally deficient when it was given that he [or she] may be found

to have failed to use ‘such skill, prudence, and diligence as lawyers of ordinary

skill and capacity commonly possess and exercise in the performance of the

tasks which they undertake.’ . . .” . . .’ ” ( Blanks v . Seyfarth Shaw LLP (2009)

171 Cal.App.4th 336, 357 [89 Cal.Rptr .3d 710].)

• “[A]n attorney’ s duty to exercise the skill and care that a reasonably careful

attorney would use in similar circumstances extends to prelitigation investigation

and evaluation of a client’ s potential claims. ‘ “When one suspects that another

has caused harm, a preliminary investigation is usually necessary in order to

know whether one has a potential legal claim, evaluate the likelihood of success,

and decide whether or not to assert it . Consequently , the investigation of a

potential claim is normally and reasonably part of ef fective litigation, if not an

essential part of it.” ’ W ith the duty to investigate comes an attorney’ s duty to

evaluate and advise clients of the risks of contemplated litigation.”

( Mir eskandari v . Edwar ds W ildman Palmer LLP (2022) 77 Cal.App.5th 247, 260

[292 Cal.Rptr .3d 410], internal citations omitted.)

• “[I]f the allegedly negligent conduct does not cause damage, it generates no

cause of action in tort.” ( Moua v . Pittullo, Howington, Barker , Abernathy , LLP

(2014) 228 Cal.App.4th 107, 1 12-1 13 [174 Cal.Rptr .3d 662].)

• “[T]he issue of negligence in a legal malpractice case is ordinarily an issue of

fact.” ( Blanks, supra , 171 Cal.App.4th at p. 376.)

• “ ‘[T]he requirement that the plaintif f prove causation should not be confused

with the method or means of doing so. Phrases such as “trial within a

trial,” “case within a case,” . . . and “better deal” scenario describe methods of

proving causation, not the causation requirement itself or the test for determining

whether causation has been established.’ ” ( Knutson v . Foster (2018) 25

Cal.App.5th 1075, 1091 [236 Cal.Rptr .3d 473].)



• “Plaintif fs argue that ‘laying pipe is not a “profession.” ’ However , case law ,

statutes, and secondary sources suggest that the scope of those held to a

‘professional’ standard of care - a standard of care similar to others in their

profession, as opposed to that of a ‘reasonable person’ - is broad enough to

encompass a wide range of specialized skills. As a general matter , ‘[t]hose

undertaking to render expert services in the practice of a profession or trade are

required to have and apply the skill, knowledge and competence ordinarily

possessed by their fellow practitioners under similar circumstances, and failure to

do so subjects them to liability for negligence.’ ” ( LAOSD Asbestos Cases,

supra , 5 Cal.App.5th at p. 1050.)

• “It is well settled that an attorney is liable for malpractice when his negligent

investigation, advice, or conduct of the client’ s affairs results in loss of the

client’ s meritorious claim.” ( Gutierrez v . Mofid (1985) 39 Cal.3d 892, 900 [218

Cal.Rptr . 313, 705 P .2d 886].)

• “[A] lawyer holding himself out to the public and the profession as specializing

in an area of the law must exercise the skill, prudence, and diligence exercised

by other specialists of ordinary skill and capacity specializing in the same field.”

( W right, supra , 47 Cal.App.3d at p. 810.)

• “T o establish a [professional] malpractice claim, a plaintif f is required to present

expert testimony establishing the appropriate standard of care in the relevant

community . ‘Standard of care “ ‘is a matter peculiarly within the knowledge of

experts; it presents the basic issue in a malpractice action and can only be

proved by their testimony [citations] . . . .’ ” [Citation.]’ ” ( Quigley v . McClellan

(2013) 214 Cal.App.4th 1276, 1283 [154 Cal.Rptr .3d 719], internal citations

• “California law does not require an expert witness to prove professional

malpractice in all circumstances. ‘In professional malpractice cases, expert

opinion testimony is required to prove or disprove that the defendant performed

in accordance with the prevailing standard of care [citation], except in cases

where the negligence is obvious to laymen.’ ” ( Ryan v . Real Estate of the

Pacific, Inc. (2019) 32 Cal.App.5th 637, 644-645 [244 Cal.Rptr .3d 129].)

• “Where . . . the malpractice action is brought against an attorney holding

himself out as a legal specialist and the claim against him is related to his

expertise as such, then only a person knowledgeable in the specialty can define

the applicable duty of care and opine whether it was met.” ( W right, supra , 47

Cal.App.3d at pp. 810-81 1, footnote and internal citations omitted.)

• “The standard is that of members of the profession ‘in the same or a similar

locality under similar circumstances’ . . . . The duty encompasses both a

knowledge of law and an obligation of diligent research and informed

judgment.” ( W right, supra , 47 Cal.App.3d at p. 809, internal citations omitted;

but see A vivi v . Centr o Medico Urgente Medical Center (2008) 159 Cal.App.4th

463, 470-471 [71 Cal.Rptr .3d 707] [geographical location may be a factor to be

considered, but by itself, does not provide a practical basis for measuring similar




• Failing to Act Competently . Rules of Professional Conduct, rule 3-1 10.

Secondary Sources

1 W itkin, California Procedure (5th ed. 2008) Attorneys, §§ 307

4 W itkin, California Procedure (5th ed. 2008) Pleadings, § 598

6 W itkin, Summary of California Law (1 1th ed. 2017) T orts, §§ 1066-1070, 1 124,

1 125-1 126, 1 128-1 131

V apnek, et al., California Practice Guide: Professional Responsibility , Ch. 1-A,

Sour ces Of Regulation Of Practice Of Law In California-Overview , ¶ 1:39 (The

Rutter Group)

V apnek, et al., California Practice Guide: Professional Responsibility , Ch. 6-E,

Pr ofessional Liability , ¶¶ 6:230-6:234 (The Rutter Group)

1 Levy et al., California T orts, Ch. 1, Negligence: Duty and Br each , § 1.31

(Matthew Bender)

3 Levy et al., California T orts, Ch. 30, General Principles of Liability of

Pr ofessionals , §§ 30.12, 30.13, Ch. 32, Liability of Attorneys , §§ 32.1 1, 32.13

(Matthew Bender)

7 California Forms of Pleading and Practice, Ch. 76, Attorney Pr ofessional Liability ,

§§ 76.50, 76.51, 76.53 (Matthew Bender)

33 California Forms of Pleading and Practice, Ch. 380, Negligence , §§ 380.50,

380.51 (Matthew Bender)

2A California Points and Authorities, Ch. 24A, Attorneys at Law: Malpractice ,

§ 24A.20 et seq. (Matthew Bender)


Page last reviewed May 2024

Kathryn Robb

Kathryn Robb, National Director of the Children’s Justice Campaign at Enough Abuse, discusses Vice President Kamala Harris’s unusual mention of child sexual abuse during her Democratic National Convention speech and its broader implications for addressing this issue in America.

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