a STOCK MARKET FIRMER IN TONE Trading Quiet and of Usual PreElection Character--Shorts Get Busy, STEEL AND MOTORS UP Hosiery Issues Active and Firm -Oils and Rails in Better Demand. Averages: 20 Indus. 20 Balls. Monday 138.59 Saturday 107.68 123.02 186.50 121.14 Week ago 189.33 109.67 Year ago High. 1926 141.46 128.52 Low, 1926 stock 981,800 shares .
Total .04315. NEW YORK, Nov. P) -Stock displayed a firm undertone in prices today's market, with trading of the usual quiet pre-election character. With I huge short Interest reported to be outstanding in several stocks, covering movement was started by few traders in the last hour to prepare for possible election surprises, at no time was there any conbut rush: either to buy or sell, alcerted though demonstrations were staged few Issues in which special dein a velopments are believed pending. U .
5. Steel common and General Motors were again leaders in point of activity. Steel rallied from low of 138 to and closed just be. the top for a net gain of low points. General Motors closed higher after fluctuating within a range of points Strength and activity of the Gotham and Onyx Hosiery Issues, nearly all of which attained new peak prices for the year .
was assoclated with merger rumors Involving those companies. Oils were again in good demand under the leadership of Independent Oil and Gas, Texas company and American Western B. all of which closed 2 to points higher. Hails pointed upward of buying. presumably Influenced by current traffic and earnings reports, but the gains as a rule were small .
AND SAVANNAH. pentine steady, sales, shipments, 198 15,033 firm: 1320 brim abipmenta, 690 brie, stock. 838 bris. Quote: 1 N. $11.15: wa .
Rathern Pine Orders NEW Bout Pine association barometer fer orders received Increased 1 cent over previous shipments decreased 8.1 per cent and production deper cent I in to 1. Fellow the 1 Truck Pump In Overland to Overland Sheet The the PRICE OF LEAD IS LOWERED Now 88.10-Price of Silver Quoted, Advanced. The price of lead was reduced to 18.10 to the 100 pounds by the Amerlcan Smelting and Refining company yesterday, a loss of 15 cents, according to an Associated Press report. The price of silver was advanced to cents an ounce, It dropped on October 19,7 WALL STREET BRIEFS. NEW YORK .
Nor. (A. bustness in the financial district will be FoR. pended tomorrow under requirement of election day, a legal holiday, New York stock' exchange. curb market .
com: cotton exchange, other securities and moditles markets and the banks will be closed. Commercial failures In the United Stater In October, tabulated by R. G. Dun increased to from 1437 ber, which the smallest number for any month in two years, while Oce tober total in 11 per cent above 1551 failures of the same month last year. tober liabilities of are the reported since last May, and comwith in September and 135.541,870 October, 25 .
Defaults for the 10 monthe this year were against 11.664 in the name period last year, but indebtedness dropped to 1330,900,000 from $271.309,000. Bankers are reported to be working out plan for merger of Gotham Hosier? company and Onyx Hosiery, Inc, details of which have not yet become known, The street hears it in probable the preferred stock ef Onyx Hosiery will be retired at the call price of 118. Standard Oil company of Indiana declared the fourth consecutive quarterly extra dividend of 46 cents a chare and the regular cents, both payable December 10, to holders of record November 17. Indication that industry continues al blah rate of is reflected in the increased consumption of coal during Reptember, which a survey by the National Association of Purchasing Agents puts at tons. a gain of two million tons the month before .
This was daily average of tons used in all COFFEE FUTURES. NEW YORK. Nev. CA.P.)- The marfor coffee futures was quiet today. with prices influenced by comparatively small orders in absence of the uadal cafrom Brazil: The opening points higher to two points the market showing little further chance until near the close when March advanced to 15.15c on covering and Jest part of the gain under realisine, closing at The market closed at net advances of two 11 pointe Estimated sales, 11,000 Clodne quotations December, July, Heptember, 13.70c .
Spot coffee, quiet; to Pantos tO 10 6. Ovine to the holiday in Brazils the usual cables mining and comparatively few com and freight offers were received. DRIED FRUITS. NEW YORK. Nor .
1. (A.P.) Evaporated applen easier: choice, 10 0 10 fane, 110 Prunes, Irregular: Call Set. Oregons, 117 standard. 180 choice, 0 extra choice. standard, 140 15c; choice, 15 4 choice .
16 a ready: state, 1926, 60 state. 1995, nominal: -1926, 210 Pacific coast. 1926, 21 0 BANK CLEARINGS. Clearings Transactions Tacoma Clearinex Balances. Seattle 11.205.65 Portland Mach to Conch Tube 1106 1 ago 1 FOREIGN BONDS FREELY BOUGHT New Belgians Again Top ListRail Liens Active on Easy Money Rates .
Averages. Mon. Sat. first rails 92.31 92.25 Ten secondary Grade, rails 04.17 94.76 Ten public utilities 94.12 94.43 Ten Industrials 100.23 100.08 Combined average. 95.43 96.38 Combined 94.75 Combined year ago 92.37 Total bond sales (par value), 184,000 .
NEW YORK, Nov. -Although preholiday Influences reduced the volume of bond trading today the forward movement of prices continued without interruption. Investment funds sought outlet in both foreign and domestic divisions of the market, pushing prices of many popular issues to the year's highest levels. The new Belgian bonds, which have been the feature of trading since their introduction last week. tained their position at the top of the list .
French Is also reached new high ground, but scattered selling of Italian obligations was occasioned by the latest attempt against the life of Premier Mussolini. German General Electrie jumped more than points to the high mark of the year. The recent relaxation of long-term money rates led to investment purchases of many high-grade railroad liens. Total sales. previous day, 606 year ago .
to Janvary 1 0 date. same year same two years ago, GOVERNMENT BONDS. (Dollars and Thirty-seconda) Hales (in 11000) High. Low, Close. 5 Liberty 1932-47 100.16 100.13 do 34 101.13 102.10 do 16 103 160.15 do 191.1 do 102.19 101.17 103.19 do 4th 102.16 102.16 102.16 Treasury 1916-56 103 .
do 104.5 do 41 108.14 105.14 CORPORATION BONDS. Am Chem 101 Am Chain at deb 101 Am Smelting 101 Am Sug 105 Am 105 do af 6. 160 de col Am Writ Ana Cop 1935 do IN 1953 103 Ang Chit Corp Arm Co of zen Balt Ohio 101 do 59 do 58 do la 8 101 101 1at do crt do gold Barns Corp New York Stock Exchange Quotations NEW TORK. Nov. 1 .
(4.P.)- Clos BI4. Abitibi Power Paper 91 Adv Rumely pid Al Chem 4 Dye Amerade Corp Amn Chem Acri Chem Am Brake Shoe Fdy Am Drug Ernd Am Intrenati Am Linered Am Locomotive Am Metal Power Smelting 124 119 Refining 4 15 Am Tel 1465 Am 1 Fire 133 Anaconda Copper Armour Co 111 Atchienn. Top 151 4 AI Gall 4 Refining 1100 103 104 Auto Knit Hosiery Baldwin Locomotive Ohio 101 Corp Hethlehem. Steel loath Fisheries Co Hrenkoly Edison JINIn- Manh Trans Term 63 Calf Packing Petro eum Lead 160 alumet Aria Mining Con Cop. Canadian Pacifice Prod Ohle Chic .
pf4 Northwestern Chile brys Columbia Gas Else Credit 20 Com Credit Commercial Nairn Cigar ensol GAr la Cent Raking ant Cast Can Maters Products Cane 25 Cuban Davison Chemical Lack Western Dodge Bros 19 Pent de Nemoure Durham Hosiery 1199 18 Kodak Heat Li Refrigeration Hereka Cleaner Morse 4 Co Famous Lanky Federal flabber For Film Freeport Gabriel Snubber 18 Gardner Meter Genera Asphalt Electric Hallway Dust atham Hosiers Bilk Hosiery not hath Her 123 Consol Mining Nortern RE pid Gulf steel Happ Hudson Motor Meter Car Car 1. Tad O1 GAs 11100 tedian Indian Refining terbotouch Hap Intercon Rubber Internat Acri Corp Business Mach Cement Combustion Eng Match partie pro Mere Marine pid THe Jorden Meter Car Kan City Southern Clos Sales High. Low Rid Loews Incorporated 1505 Lorillard (Pierre) Co 1190 Louisiana Oil Ret 2040 Mack Trucks 2560 Magma Copper 300 Mallinson Company 400 124 Manhattan Ry mod rid 1600 50 1a Marland 6309 Mathi-son May Department Stores 1460 Mexican Seaboard Oil 100 Miami Copper, XD 560 Mid-Continent Pet Middle States Oil 1500 Missouri Pacific 400 Missouri Pacific pra Montana Power Montcomery Ward 18100 65 4 Mother Lode Coalition 744 Murray Body Corporation 190 Nash Motors 1400 National Biscuit 500 Nat Cash Reciter 860 National Dairy Prod National Dept Stores National Supply 409 Nevada Con Copper new York Canners York Central 1266 York Chi 8t Louis 100 Chi St L. pid 306 N. I Hartford 1160 Norfolk Western 1466 North American Co Northern Pacifie 1000 Omnibus Corporation 3060 Healery 1209 Uny: Hosiery pid 2000 115 Owen: Bottle Packard Motor size .
Detroit Car 300 Petroleum 306 'an-Ain Petroleum 21190 Pan Am Western 1000 Panhandle Prod Refs 6 see Pathe Exchance 1260 Penneyivania allroad, 1600 Marquette 1160 109 Phila Rdc Coal Philip Morris Co 1004 Phillita Petroleum Fierce OIl Pierce Tierce Pittsburgh OIl Arrow Coal Coni preferred Motor 2500 1000 Postum Cereal 1160 Producers Refiners 1368 Public Serf Corp 1800 Pure Oil Radio Corp ef America Nadia Corporation pfd Reading Company Remington Typewriter: Neplogie Steel Reynolda Tobacco Royal Dutch shares Joseph Lead Air Line Heart- Roebuck 62 Shell Union Oil 6860 Shubert Theater Corp Simms Petroiram 199 Con Our Oil. 2100 Southern 680 Fouthern Dairies 1194 Southers Dairies 160 10600 Southern Fail Flandard das Elec Standard Oil, New 1660 Warner 668 NEudebaker Cot boration 6509 60 Superior Oil 19400 Tennessee Cop Chem 1200 Company Gulf Sulphur 14800 Teras Pacific 100 Fae. Coal Oil 16190 Timken Roller Bearing 6100 Tobseco Products Tobacco Products Transcontinental Oil Typewriter Carb Carton 18409 Union Oil of California Union Pacific 460 161 L'aited Drug 565 166 Heftinan Machinery 8 Indust Alcohol 1290 I'nited Staira Rubber 8 Smelt A Refining 100 Emet Ret pf4 Fuel Corporation Univ Pipe Radiater 8900 Viraudes, Incorporated 1300 1400 4 Baking Piet Heilbroner Elec Instrument Wheeling Lake Erie previous 0 OIl A Trans shares 867.699 altares a year ago. From Lambert January ace and ahares Carbonic seats day, bide cent. cent .
mixed cent dollar 8 1. Gem. Bales (In High. Low, Close. Beth St con set A 101 100 do con 96 do 1936 19 Bign- Tr Rp 301 Car Ohio Cent Eng Central Pac 101 Cher 4 1930 8 A 104 est de da- ert etf do do evt do re do rig do ser de 1928 etf do deb 1934 rig Ter Hte A I Ch 1 1963 106 Chile Copper 105 Cit Eve PR 68 Can WIll 68 1951 Cuba sugar deb DA Went gen Dodge Bros deb rets 1940 Duqueme Emp 103 Erie lit con prior Iten 48 do gen do evt do do evt ser Fisk Rubber 116 Flor -E Goodrich 106 1055 .
166 Gdyr 88 1931 110 do 1941 Grnby Gt North do de 11 A do adj inc Hum Oil Bell Tel la Central Int Transit IRT do ref Int at Mar Int Paper 100. 100 Kelly Tire 103 found 101 1 180 101 Kreagke Mide Sil. evt da Mil 106 pl ver 101 4 do adJ is Pacific do rig in do gen Murray Body Nat Dairy Prod Eng 100 100 de ser Imp Con 138 Ry Ine R38 Tel 1171 ser imp 3 do pr 90 501 8t Pow 103 195 do a 29 O.W I Pan- Am Penn de con Palla Co BE 1915 20 Port El Pow 100 Ry lat 10 Pub 1944 Rep St LA 8 lien Seabd con de Fla Sin out del do 68 1927 100 Pac do col tr Ry do cel Bell 101 Third Ave 1 8 Rubber 8 Steel A Va Ry Pow do June do Oct do tem 1955 Bels 1241 de 1946 do 1955 do 1943 91 4 do 1955 Bergen 1946 Berlin Holly Bordeaut 90 BraT temp Brasi RY EI 32 164 FOREGN ArE 1937 Bremen 1336 British 1919 Chil do Chilean 1946 46 Crecho 1945. Dept of Caldas 1946 Dutch Ind 11 104 Eat By 195 91 Finnish 50 1 Framerican French 106 de Fr 50 Ger Er Loan Ger Gen El 46 64: 1940 do without 12 Gt Con El Jap Hung Hung Mun Ital 1951 153 Jap Ster Loan 1911 Leipsie I.rone Marseilles Nord Ry Not do 1958 de 1958 1 Polish $. Rhine 1946 RAn Paulo At 96 1 Rhine Har Pub 1943 Reine 19 Berta Croats Sier Tokto 1962 Uruguayan rets 1360 11 MONEY AND NEW YORK .
Nor. 1. Mon. Great Britain, pound Demand Cables France, franc Demand Cable 3.16 Italy, lira Demand Cables Belgium, Demand 13,50 Germany, mark Demand 23.78 Itolland, guilder Demand 38.96 39.88 Norway, krone 25.86 Demand 24.50 Demand 16.10 24.16 Denmark. krone Demand 26.87 Switzerland, franc Demand 18.08 19.35 Spain, peasta 19.36 Demand 18.14 18.18 Greece, drachma Demand 44 1.21% Poland, sloty 19.30 Demand 11.37% 11.374 I 20.30 Demand 20.30 Demand 176 6 schilling Demand 14.12% 14.19% Argentina, peso Demand Japan, yen 49.88 Demand 49.06 Brazil, mitrele 84.62 Demand 13.65 13,68 Montreal, Demand 1814 collateral and 90 days, four months, prime mercantile paper, LONDON .
Nev. cent: discount rates, short bills cent: three menthe bills. per Gen Johns 1 Share 1. 1. 1 1 .
1. 1. 1. 1. of a I MORNING, NOVEMBER 2, 1926 .
TUESDAY 161 80.0 0 Mines and Mining SPOKANE STOCK TO FIRST AVENUE Leases Space in Columbia Building and Expects to Enter November 15. The Spokane Stock exchange has leased space at W523 First avenue, in the Columbia building, according to F. Boardman, secretary, in behalf of the committee. It will move its present quarters In the Paulsen building as soon as the new place is prepared for occupancy, he said. It is believed that this will be by Monday, November 15 .
"Architects are working out plane for the equipment," said Mr. Boardman. "These plans contemplate the installation of an attractive blackboard and lighting system. clans, plumbers and others must have access to the space before we CAD enter. we will have a ground floor and First avenue entrance." SPOKANE STOCK EXCHANGE Tamarack gained and Sunshine cents on the Spokane Stock exyesterday, Goldsmith lost change B .
C. Silver and Callahan 10 each and Heela and Premier Gold. 20 cents each. The sales Aggregate 29,600 shares AN follows: Afternoon- Hypotheek 1000 at Independence Lead, 5009 at Morning- 100 at Idaho Carbonate Hill. 1000 Independence Lead, 2000 at 1000 at Richmond, 3000 rack .
500 at 29, 1000 at The closing prices were: Listed Stocks. Bid. American Commander R. C. Filver Hunker 111 Caledonia Callahan Zine-Lead Cedar Creek Constitution Gladstone Goldsmith Heela Highland Hypothee Idaho Carbonate Independence Lead Internal .
Coal Leademith Lucky Jin Marsh Consolidated MeGillivray Nabob Hilver World Life Option Mining Ores Do Plymouth Premier Gold 1.15 Richmond Kay Jefferson Sherman Lead Sidney Aliver Cable Silversmith Randard silver Lead SucceRs sunshine Tarbox preferred 60 Hunter Western Union Mining Lead Blossom SANDON LEAD ELECTS BOARD Internal Litigation Virtually Settled. Says Attorney. The retiring board of the Sandon Silver-Lead Mining company. formerly the Victoria, was reelected at meeting of the stockholders at the office of R. La Edmiston, 610 Rookery building .
yesterday. They are Charles McKenzie of Marshall. Thomas D. Chapman, Meenach. M .
lA Bottomly and John L. sen of Spokane. The company has about 100 holders and a majority of their stock was represented, according to Mr. Ed. miston .
who, with Edward M. Connelly, is counsel for the corporation. He said that all matters connected with an internal litication had tually been settled. The property of the company is near Bandon, B. C .
GUYER SUED ON EL ARCO A satin Charges Title to Property Clear. Judement for 96105 ant interest from May 13, 1924. la soucht in sult filed In the superior court by R. Austin of Spokane against Ray mend Guyer. It in averred in the complaint that the literature of the El Arco Mines company of Mexico, which Mr .
Guyer was a trustee, a director, rice president and general ed that the property free of cumbrance and secured by clear title whereas, it is alleged Mr. Austin, there Mr. Acetin alleges that he suffered ToRs when Mr. Guyer brought about transfer of the property to third parties for the satisfaction of the creditors. NEW YORK CURB PRICES NEW TORK .
Nov. Stock prices drifted within rather narrow and irregular limits in today's curb market. Strength and activity of some of the high grade oil issues in the face of decrease in certain grades Teras crude prices was one of the few distinguishing features. Stand. ard Oil of Indiana, which has been fluctuating within a narrow range for weeks, advanced points to 6414 .
Tidal Osage moved up 3 points to a new high at 27 and Galena Signal preferred (new) jumped nearly 10 points on few odd lot sales to 45. Resumption of the upward ment in New York Transportation, which climbed points to al high at and the establishment of a new peak by General Electrie of Germany at 42 attracted widespread attention in the Industrial section. Motor, coal and baking Issues showed mixed chances. DeForest Radio also developed a sudden burst activity and strength. In the public utility group the strength of Eleetrie .
Bond Share and Mohawk Hudson Power con trasted with the heaviness of Ameri lean Gas and Electrio and Common. wealth Edison. INDESTRIALS. Kales- CUT PULLET EGG PRICE 4 CENTS Pork Also Displays Tendency to -Several Meat Cuts on Wholesale List. Pullet eggs Look a heavy slump yesterday, The wholesale list was cut $1.20 a case and the buying end the same amount .
4 cents a dozen. Markets are flooded with the smallsized eggs, dealers report. Local production has been increasing rapidly, but dealers bad endeavored to hold the price up until shipments began to come this way from the Then prices were In self -defense. All other Ansdered, main unchanged. Pork products, fresh and cured, show a tendency to decline .
Several meat items on the wholesale list are down 1 cent a pound this week. PRICES TO RETAILERS The following are wholesale prices quoted retail dealers by the Jobbers: Vegetables -New cabbage. 10 head lettuce, 13.50; cooking apples. 78e boi eating apples, 81 0 1.98; onions, 11.40 potatoes, 12 cwt: bunch beets, carrots, dor bunches; radishes, 4fo dos bunches: green onione, 200 doz: hothouse tomatoes, 200 Ih; Emperor grapes, $2.10 Jug: Malaga grapes, $2.75 lug: Washington cranberries, $4 box: celery 1.40 doz; hothouse cambers, $1.50 dos; huckleberries, 1b: Anjou pears, box, green DeDESTR, 1b; garlic. 160 California sweet tone, and pumpkins .
Backed Vegetables 15. parmipe. 21e beets and Half cent extra on Less than lols. WHOLESALE FRUITS. Bananas Valencia $10 7.80; California lemons, WHOLESALE MEATS .
Pork--Packer hogs, ade; pork loins, 240 29ct 240; tenderloins, Lam Choice lambs, 26c, medium, 13e; wethers, none. -Market price. Meet--Beef steers, 130 15c: cow beef. belfere, 13c. and -Simon Pure lard, In 0 brand in a Vegetale, in cans .
180 190: Pennant, can, 18c. SMOKED MEATS. Mar Brand- -Star brand hame 31 picnic, 130 Star bacon, shield bacon, Hanquet bacon, ale; Star boiled see. Dry Nalt backs, none: bel. Lies, 260 .
CHEESE Local triplets mild drums. local loaf. 260 triple dairice. 26 26et A. prints 24 aTe Wisconsin cream bricks, 25 limburger, 33 9 EGGS .
White extras, white 114.76: mixed pulleta, Storage wholesale. processed processed storage white standarde, pallets, 340; checkstandards, $11.10. FLOUR AND PEED. Flour Washington patenta, bri: bard white, pastry flour. flour .
whole wheat, pancake 16 cane crabam, ton: rolled. per ton; cracked, per ton; rolled, $31. ton. and per ton. Aherta- ton .
Scratch Feed 145 0 50 per ton, BUTTER. Creamery quarters, 49e; parchment, firata, cartons, 460; parchment. 45c. Better -Spokane, outaide tions. SEGAR AND HONEY .
-Cane. $4.66. Comb honey, frames. 18.150 extracted, ite 1b. GASOLINE, LINSKED OIL .
ETC. -Red Crown, balk, Fyre-Drop, 240 cal. Shell, fined oil (Pearl), bulk 20 In bulk: distillate. White Load -Strietly pure white lead all, ton lets 18 leas than ton, than 460 Linseed 01 cases, 81.45 belled, cases 11. 48 .
PRICES TO PRODUCERS HAY. F. R. SPOKANT. Timothy, choice, 19 a ton, alfalfa .
117.590 0 a ton, according to grade. POCLTRY. Heavy hens 6 mediam hens. to 17e: light bena, ander Ibe, 12e: young rabbite, to 4 roosters, 100; springs and broilers. POOR .
under grading -White extras 4Te. white storekee standarde, 43e; pullets. checks, ere, METALS. NEW FORK. Nev .
quiet, electrolytie, spot and futures, Tin, firm: spot and nearby, turen. Iron. firmer: 0 Buffalo, bama, 31. Lead. Zine .
East Louis spot and futures, Antimony. LONDON, Standard copper, spot 187 futures, (SE electrolytic, spot, futures, spot. futures 1321. and futures Zine, spot and 133 44. There will be no call on the Spot kane Stock exchange or the Standard Stock exchange today .
(in hundrede). Hich. Close Am Am Am sent ert pid BIle Celeter Catotex Forest Durant Rend Bend El 101 Libby and Lat Northeast Proctor A Bell Tel pid. DE. 09 Its Lucky enticit BE CHI INDEX TO CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS STANDARD STOCK EXCHANGE, to 29, a gain of Sidney advanced and new high, and Leadcent of on the sinith to 10, a main yesterday .
Standard Stock exchange E. C. Silver gained 10, Callahan. Premier and Constitution lost 4 each. Hecla and Bunker Hill 11 .
The 20,230 shares as foltotal sales were lows: Afternoon--Gladstone, 1000 at Independence 99 Hecla, 30 at Lead, 2000 at 7: Leadsmith, 1000 at Marsh. 1000 at Richmond, 10; 1000 at Silversmith, 100 at 500 at 39 Morning- -Ajax, 500 1000 at 29: 18; 1500 1509 at 1000 at HypoGladstone, theek. Goldsmith, 4: 2000 at Inde1000 at 100 at pendence Lead, at Marsh, 2000 at smith, 1000 Silversmith, 2000 The closing quotationa Listed Stacks, Bid. Asked. AjAr Ambergris Am Commander 1.50 silver 13.00 Bunker 1 Caledonia Callahan Cedar Creek Constitution Gladstone Goldsmith Heels Hypotheck Idaho Carbon Independence Lead Int Coal Coke Leadsmitb Lucky Jim March Cons MeGillieray New World Premier Geld Richmend Cons Saunders do com Sherman Kidney Silver Cable Silversmith Stratton Success Sunshine Tamarack 135.46 Wash com 194.00 do pf4 Union Mng West Y .
Brokers' Lease. 1. WASHINGTON, and dealers from held brokers York city federal amounted to ending October compared with 118.060 for the pervious nounced today the federal FERRETS board. CITY AND COUNTY RECORDS MARRIAGE LA Edward F. Conroy (legal), Les and Margaret Schiffner gelen, (legal), Spokane .
Harold D. Moffilt (legal), Elberton, and Lena May Lowery (legal), Gar. field. J. Henry Evans (legal), Garfield, and Ruth Elayne Divine (legal), Farmington .
Glen Warwick (33), Harrington, and Florence L. Kiehn (19), ton. Owen Gallagher (legal), Spokane, and Vesta Weatherman (legal), E. H. (89), Keller, and Minale Coultas Keller .
Moody, T. J. Blair (legal), Spokane, and Helen Piper (legal), Spokane. Ivan Hosing (31), Spokane, and Evelyn Gaines (21), Spokane, Fred De Haven (22), Priest River, Idaho, and Mary Naccarto (19), Priest River, Idaho. THE SUPERIOR COURT .
New Setts Filed -Maxine Hope Lauritzen Va. Ernest Paul Lauritzen: divorce. Frank Eppetson VA Bernard Johnson: 13000 damages for personal injuries. Sperry Hutchison company Daisy Husnick and John enjoin from collecting trading stamps from customers at Palace store and A K. market .
Clara McLauchlin A Charles McLaughlin; divorce. NEILDING PERMITS Fred Marten, W1104 Providence $150. CATACO, Riblet, Whitehense, addition. $1500. Peter Garofolo, E1611 Fourth nue, addition, 1150 .
0. M. Heath, N4917 Pest, garage, 1100. GENERAL ADVERTISING. PRESTON RAEF V .
Empire -M. TE WILL ONE AJar. 14 Am. Hey, Jim. Nabon CALLAHAN ZINC We to Trade either NAY en an sad wish to dispose YOUR INQUIRIES SOLICITED .
We are here either buying selling securities WARE will set the AR cheaply nd if yes want to sell best price the market The German and Menieipal beade ronsiderable activity en the New Fork market Quetatione on request. WALTER. J. NICHOLLS Co. INC .
tel National Flank Bid Members standard Stock Thene Main 1181. MEXICAN PREMIER The time in drawing near produc Lion mart. Values in the drifte have Increased over the original estimates Produces gold, diver and les Will buy at 36. Will mil at 31. Limited amounts either war .
L. F. MORRIS Inc. 301 Spokane Savings 4 1 Lean Hide N. 1163 .
Members Spokane Stock Eschange, WILL (Subject) WILL 1000 Am Com. Am Com, Independ. 15 1009 Golden Nabob. 14. 2000 Rambler, Straiten .
1067 8600 408 Tamarack, 2814 EDWIN T. LAVIGNE CO. Members Standard Stock Eschance, 104 Arther D. Joses Bide Main 4371. Listed jesses sold 1-3 down, balance H .
A. PEBLES Eagle Hide, Member Standard Stark WIFE HET WILL Am Am Marsh. March. Nahob, Turn to correspondine number in alfied pages, where arrangement numerical order. Accountants, Auditors Acre Tracte to Agents Apartments Wanted and Artificial Limbs Astrologers Attorneys at La 147 Auctioneers Auction Sales Agencies 103 Auto Automobiles for 104 Auto Trucks for Hale 106 Auto Accessories and Parta Auto Batteries Auto Painting Auto Radiators Auto Storage 125 Auto Tops 123 ABLOR and Trucks -Wanted 110 Autos to Rent 119 Auto Welding Auto Speedometer Bathe Beauty Schools Beauty Shops Bicycles Board Offered Business Opportunities Business Property Camping Equipment Carda of Thanks Cast-Off Clothing- -Wanted Children Cared For Chiropodists Chiropractors City Property 691 Coal 356 Collection Dancing Academies Deathe and Drugless Physicians Educational Electrical Machinery Electrical Service Employment Agencies Farm Lands Fioriata Found Foundries Fresh Food Products Fuel Dealers Funerals Furniture Furniture for Rent Hat Cleaning .
Blocking Hay and Feed Help Wanted Horses and Hospitals Hotels Houses for Rent House Movers Housewives Supplies In Memoriam Live Stock Lost Machinery Machinery Midwives Mines Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Includes of offers not found in other classifications. Miscellaneoua Repairing Money to Loan Wanted Horrew Model Makers Motorcycles (Continued en following GENERAL ADVERTISING Logan Bryan STOCKS, BONDS, COTTON, GRAIN, COTTON SEED AND PROVISIONS, Private Wires Atlantic to Pacifie with Important Intermedia Points in the United ed and Canada. MEMBERS York Chicago Stock Kachange. York Produce Chicago ancapelia Commerce Philadelphia Montreal Bleard of Trade. Duluth Hoard 1 Stock Bet Kachange .
PACESEN BUILDING. TREAT AS A HIS AND VOL WILL FIND 401 GAMBLE Northwest Mines Investment Company BROKERAGE DEPT. Sprague Are. Tel. Main 3196 .
WILL BEY. Sob. WILL Sob. 38 2668 Richmond 16 Ambergris, Hunk. Leadenith .
1890 Leademith 160 Callahan Idaho. 13 Hichmend Geldenith, Mont Ida. Gladstone. Ponshine emit h. Rambler eff 1680 Goldenit Mer Prem, 1600 33 180 E .
J. Gibson Co. ONE WALL STREET. Phone Main 1381. Members Standard stark Eschange, WILE BEY .
Subject Sunshine RAY, Less Prem. 1040 off Tamarack Ritveremith. 38 Hilarity. Sidney Hypotheck. Ind Lead .
Pirmouth, Ambereria, Richmond. Goldsmith, Gladstone, Marsh. CO. Will bay shares common BUY shares preferred well preferred will sell comment 134.99 leet 1660 k. 1650 Naboh, Ilea 7008 Mant-Ida .
March, 2900 Quilp field. Hunter, Heela. Ind Lead, Curran Richmond. WILLIAM NICHOLLS Oldest House in Spokane. Fatablished 1893, Member Spokane Stock Old National Hank Hide .
Telephone: Main WANTED 200 Heela, off 3089 So Rambler. Tamarack, Jim. Funabine. Nabob, 15 Gindatene. Caledonia, etr High Burp, Sidney, eff WILL SELL Caledonia Lky Jim, 16 Gotdemith .
Land Bier, Independ. 1008 50 Mex Prem. 35 to Bunker Hill High 24 Aak for quotations AnY POHL.MAn Established 1907, 606 Empire State Bide. Main 6414. Members Standard Stock WE WILL BUY 130 1000 LAy Jim, FAm Hey, Marsh .
Bunkr Tilli, oft 1694 Ridney, Callahan, 1.89 Highland Tamarack. WE WILL Marat. Bankr Nabob, Richmonds Sunshine, Jim. 16 Union, 2 your orders for execution Standard stock Aschange, READ BY THE PERMANENT EARNING CLASSES. Music Music Notice Otfice Ostent Partn Paten Phyel Piano Plant Platin Poultr Publie Rabbit Radios Real Rental Reside Resort Rubbe Roomi Rug Halearn Sanitai Hates hewing Schooli Hecond Shoe Situati Spirits 356 Sterilia Steams BLOTAKE Stores Ntovea Stove Summe Taxider Teache Timber Transfe Trunks, Vacuun Watche Weldini Wood Work FINK .
I AL 8110 HAZ HEN AI AWAY hospital care SWEET Munda Ajar Rates Unt4 Lt Per (in hundreds), 11 Wes Of STANDARD Anglo-Am Oil Buckeye Pipe Continental Oil Galena pt eld. do Humble OIl Trans Prairie Oil 10 Ind NY Ohio Am Cont Outdo Carib Rynd Met Oil Royal Canadian Tidal Osage de hon voting Tide Water A OIl MINING. Recta Mining Kap Copper Red Warrior Spearhaed Gold DOMESTIC BONDS. 11 Cent Ind 1888 11 Con Pub Serv 1966 FOREIGN HONDS. Fur 1986, FIRE Sales bonds the hon of Pythi of Amer HARGE menta .
MALON neral HENNE Dean Hi Fairmou SPIVA, Tuesday, JAEGER will hav ment in Heme survived Noni funeral kle lodce ices wood, TIPTON, Erie vida: Ew Ifornia brothers, Ralph, Earles and 1:30 HAZEN War charge chipped CLEMMEI LARGEST ready and pi SPOKAN WISE TRI INLAND Monroe Prep WARDING Stone road bel bride 6pedden. Prentice LONT930 the GLAREON Munda 1803 130 liberal para Hurd Main FEMALE from doe 1445 LADEN Chester LOST LEI district BRINDLE reward SPOR list Sally and CLAI Mart Came do MR. Grand Onluma present the Manitoba GENTLEM share well, bust man- kn remno And CONSULTA conF and pro era well bit MONTH position, men PROFERROT Bite WANTED girl High. Low. Clear 9814 A 01880 Mine Recellent BE JAMI OPERPLUC manentie And Boon PERMANEN BIN Wall Motor BE .
time making In tarn Res 45 Now In We fu Inform ad JAMIEI .
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