FAQs for Management for Optimized Virtual Environments (MOVE)

What's MOVE?
MOVE is the family name for two related Management for Optimized Virtual Environments (MOVE) products. Virtual Machines (VMs) running on server-class systems that contain virtualization software, including VMware ESX

or Citrix XenServer

, need an antivirus application running on each VM on a hypervisor

(A hypervisor is a general term that describes virtualization software such as VMware ESX, Citrix XenServer,

and Microsoft Hyper-V

When you run an antivirus application on each VM on a hypervisor, there's high usage of resources such as disk, CPU, and memory. It results in a reduced VM density per hypervisor. MOVE AV solves this issue by offloading all On-Access Scans (OASs) to a dedicated VM that runs VirusScan Enterprise (VSE). There's no need to install a traditional antivirus application such as VSE on each VM. The dedicated VM improves performance and allows an increased VM density per hypervisor.

What's MOVE AV Agentless?
This option allows integration with VMware vShield (vSphere and ESXi) using vShield Endpoint. MOVE AV Agentless provides virus protection for VMs and contains an SVA delivered as an Open Virtualization Format (OVF) package. MOVE AV Agentless supports On-Demand Scans (ODSs) natively. MOVE Agentless systems don't have VSE installed. The MOVE AV Agentless components are listed below:

Component Description
SVA Provides antivirus protection for VMs and communicates with the loadable kernel module on the hypervisor, ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO), and Global Threat Intelligence (GTI) servers.
The SVA is the only system directly managed by ePO, but you can install McAfee Agent (MA) and other McAfee products on VMs. VirusScan Enterprise for Linux (VSEL), MA, and MOVE AV Agentless comes preinstalled.
ePO Allows you to configure policies to manage MOVE AV Agentless and provides reports on malware discovered in your virtual environment.
File Quarantine Remote quarantine system, where quarantined files are stored on an administrator-specified network share.
GTI Classifies suspicious files that are found on the file system. When the real-time malware defense detects a suspicious program, it sends a DNS request for analysis. The request is sent to a central database server hosted by Trellix Advanced Research Center.
Hypervisor (ESXi) Allows multiple operating systems to run concurrently on a hosted system. The hypervisor is a virtual operating platform that manages the execution of the guest operating systems. ESXi is an embedded hypervisor for servers that runs directly on server hardware without requiring another underlying operating system.
VMware vCenter Console that manages the ESXi servers, which host the guest VMs that require protection.
vCloud Networking and Security Manager Manages the vShield components for the SVA and VMware vShield Endpoint, and monitors the health of the SVA.
VMs Isolated guest operating system installations in a normal host operating system that support both virtual desktops and virtual servers.
VMware NSX Manager Console that allows you to configure, provision, and automate the protection on the endpoints in a data center.

What's MOVE AV Multi-Platform?
MOVE AV Multi-Platform is for OAS and ODS of end nodes. The MOVE AV Multi-Platform components are listed below:

Component Description
SVA Manager Automatically assigns offload scan servers to MOVE Multi-Platform clients based on configurable parameters. These parameters include Scan Server load, ePO tags, and IP address ranges.
ePO Communicates with MA, manages the Multi-Platform configuration, and provides reports on malware discovered in your virtual environment.
MA Communicates with ePO, applies policies to each virtual machine, and deploys the MOVE AV Multi-Platform client.
Hypervisor Allows multiple operating systems to run concurrently on a hosted system. The hypervisor is a virtual operating platform that manages the execution of the guest operating system.
MOVE AV client Allows virtual machines to interact with the offload scan server (OSS) for file scanning and malware detection. Enforces actions on the client when a threat is detected.
MOVE AV client extension Provides policies and controls for configuring and managing the behavior of the MOVE AV client through ePO.
MOVE AV Offload Scan Server Provides offloaded scanning support for VMs, which minimizes the performance impact on virtual desktops.
MOVE AV Offload Scan Server extension Provides policies and controls for configuring and managing the behavior of the MOVE AV offload server through ePO.
VSE Provides antivirus protection for the offload scan server VM and communicates with the GTI servers.
Data Center Connector for vSphere Integrates the management and automation feature of ePO to discover and manage your guest VMs.

What's MOVE Scheduler?
The Scheduler is used with MOVE Multi-Platform clients. Traditional security solutions for virtual environments run as an antivirus application on every VM on the hypervisor. This model results in reduced VM density per hypervisor and causes high disk, CPU, and memory usage. Common tasks such as scanning for viruses can occur on all servers at the same time. These tasks create a significant load on the virtual infrastructure and negatively impact performance.
MOVE Scheduler solves these issues for VSE environments by distributing ODSs across all client VMs. The ODSs are based on parameters such as maximum concurrent scans per hypervisor, maximum concurrent scans per storage and hypervisor CPU usage. These parameters make sure that VMs remain usable during scans.

Move Scheduler 2.x is reaching EOL; what's going to replaces it?
The MOVE Scheduler functionality is now included in MOVE 4.0 and later. For details, see the MOVE Scheduler to MOVE Multi-Platform Migration Guides.

How do I enable debug logging via the command line?
To enable debug logging for both Move Agentless and Multi-Platform via the command line, see KB87799 - How to enable debug logging for MOVE Agentless and Multi-Platform via the command line.

How do I generate a MER file for MOVE AntiVirus

Can MOVE be disabled through policy when managing via ePO?
No. The MOVE software can't be enabled or disabled via ePO policy enforcement. The only option for disabling by policy is disabling OASs or ODSs.